So far, our ID or username at Google Play Games is just our name and which has nothing innovative.
But soon we will be able to choose our own nick to enter the app for Android and play titles. This update will we achieve this account separate from other services Google.
With this new feature, in addition to deciding your login name, you can choose an avatar, the picture you have associated with your Google Mail will no longer appear. The problem is that you only have 40 avatars to choose from and can not be customized (at least initially).
You can choose whether your profile and activity in it is public or private, as now. Also, once you connect your account on Google Play Games, you will automatically enter the titles, and not have to constantly log as you’re playing.
As you know, user names can not be repeated. So if you want to register your username, you must enter only the system is opened. The company will launch this new attribute in the coming days.